Mirella Mordoki on the Importance of Spending Time with Family

Mirella Mordoki
2 min readSep 11, 2020

When it comes to business, it takes a lot of effort and time to be successful. However, you also need to maintain a healthy work-life balance and that includes spending time with those closest to you — your family. While many people including business associates and friends come and go, family is here to stay.

Mirella Mordoki is an entrepreneur from Fullerton, California. She shares some key reasons you should surround yourself with family when you have the opportunity.

Boost Confidence and be a Role Model

Having children means having people that look up to you at any age, says Mirella Mordoki. This provides a unique opportunity to foster self-esteem and confidence in your younger family members by identifying their strengths and helping them succeed.

Meanwhile, children also learn by seeing you in action. Spending time together can model the type of behavior that you want them to follow, such as being polite to people and showing respect, but also how to be assertive if the situation calls for it.

Foster Collaboration

Doing activities or tackling challenges as a family unit can teach kids how to navigate difficult situations without some of the judgment they may face from outsiders, explains Mirella Mordoki. This can help family members increase their self-esteem so they can take on challenges on their own.

There are even some studies that show spending quality time with your kids can help them get along better with others, while reducing behavioral issues.

Create Lasting Memories

Not all of the benefits of family time fall on the children, says Mirella Mordoki. Being around family is an opportunity to create some of the fondest memories a parent can have, from attending an event or vacation together and having great photos to prove it. It could also be something as simple as baking together to strengthen the bond.

Being around younger members of the family can also remind adults what’s really important in life, and how to let go of worries and live in the moment. This can be difficult for many grown-ups with constant career pressures and other responsibilities.

You don’t need to be with family all of the time to get these benefits — some focused energy on a regular basis will go a long way, says Mirella Mordoki.



Mirella Mordoki

Entrepreneur with a Family Owned Business Focused in the Construction industry with expertise in drywall. Located in Fullerton, California.